Mazda Romania sales for the first 10 months of 2004 are up 84% compared to previous period from 2003. Mazda sold in 2004 a total of 431 cars.
According to Romcar, who imports Mazda cars in Romania, the best sold car was Mazda 6 with 37% of all sales (162 units). Until February 15, 2005 the Mazda 6 will have a price reduction of 1.700 Euro.
Other good sales include Mazda 3 (61 units) and Mazda 2 (43 units). Mazda B2500 utility vechicle also has 23% of all Mazda sales in Romania.
For more info please visit the website.
Posted by Mihai : 11/12/2004 01:26:00 pm

Mazda Romania sales up 84%