Business in Romania blog
The business in Romania blog writes about the Romanian business landscape, doing business in Romania, investing in Romania business and debating on business issues in Romania. Check this Blog's Policy here.

Friday, October 29, 2004
Business in Romania blog
Ok, as I am quite a liberal person, I want to add some transparency to this blog's purpose and way of working.

Basically, we are a group of people who like to post news and analisys about business in Romania, the investing environment and more (you will find some off-topic posts here as well, and this is very fine).

This blog is currently non-profit one and it will remain this way for quite a long time I imagine.

Its purpose is to become an important source of information for foreign people interested in the Romanian business environment and for Romanian people interested in their country's business.

The ADS that you see on the top of the blog are Google ads and I hope they are relevant for you. You might use them to find more information on Romania.

Also, the money generated by these ADS will be reinvested in the blog (advertising, a more friendly domain-name, some incentives, some redesign, some strategic partnerships, etc.) The destination of those money (when they will be available) will be discussed in a completely democratic way between the contributors of this blog.

I encourage you to provide us with feedback at

All the best,
The Business-Romania-Blog Team.

Posted by Mihai : 10/29/2004 01:22:00 pm The Business Romania Blog - purpose
Business in Romania blog
Business in Romania blog

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