Business in Romania blog
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Business in Romania blog
Axway, wholly owned subsidiary of Sopra Group – company quoted on the Euronext Paris stock market – announces the acquisition of a Romanian company, Crinsoft SRL.

Through its subsidiary Axway, Sopra Group announces the acquisition of Crinsoft SRL, a Romanian company specialised in research and development for software houses. Located in Bucharest, Crinsoft employs 50 staff.

This operation adds to Axway's current resource development sites in France. The decision to establish a foothold in Eastern Europe is in line with the strategic objectives of the company. It will help accelerate the evolution of current offerings and further extend the indirect distribution network.

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Posted by Mihai : 6/10/2005 12:48:00 pm Crinsoft bought by Sopra Group
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