Business in Romania blog
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Business in Romania blog
Here are some of the latest data regarding the PC market in Romania.

The market grew with about 40% in the first quarter of 2005 in terms of number of units sold and with about 20% in terms of value.

85% of the total number PCs are desktop systems and they count for about 65% of the entire market value. Laptops count for 13% in terms of number of units and for about 25% in terms of market value.

The growth for laptop systems is estimated at around 55% in terms of number of units sold or 43% in terms of market value growth. Growth for desktop systems is estimated at 40% in terms of number of units and 14% in terms of value.

The most important players on the market are Romsoft (14%), K-Tech (13%), Flamingo (12%) and Altex with 11%. The procents above are in relationship with the total number of PCs sold.

The total market value for the first 3 months is estimated to 615 milion USD.

44% of the buyers on the market (in terms of value) are represented by SOHO (small office, home office) players, while small and medium size companies count for 38%.

Windows continues to be implemented on over 90% of the PCs sold.

Posted by Mihai : 5/31/2005 03:53:00 pm The PC market in Romania
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