Business in Romania blog
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
Business in Romania blog
French direct investments in Romania will gain some seven percent this year, according to Philippe Boin, the French commercial attache in Romania, who participated in a Romanian - French business forum also attended by Romanian President Traian Basescu.

By the end of last year, 3,472 French companies had invested 1.1 billion EUR in Romania.

The leading French companies operating in Romania are: Accor, Alcatel, Alstom, Air France, Bouygues, Bricostore, Cora, Danone, Eurocopter, Gaz de France, Hyparlo-Carrefour, Lafarge, Michelin, Orange, Renault, Serve, Soconac, Societe Generale, Veolia Water and Vinci.

In 2004, Romanian-French trade amounted to 3.5 billion EUR, up by 29 percent year-on-year. The Y2005 estimate is 4.5 billion EUR.

Posted by Mihai : 6/23/2005 01:25:00 pm French direct investments in Romania to raise
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