Business in Romania blog
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Monday, June 20, 2005
Business in Romania blog
About a week ago, Grapefruit launched an initiative ment to help to the long-discussed process of Branding Romania.

The project consists in a forum opened at The idea is simple: some personalities (like Bill Clinton, Michael Bird, Marius Tuca and others) write articles about Romania and the branding process and people can comment on them.

I hope this project will turn into a success, but I believe the initiative must be promoted better, in order to attract more visitors. Also, an english version of the website (at least describing the initiative) would be welcome.

In the end, congratulations to Grapefruit, for their second initiative aimed at the general public. Previous was Wireality, a forum about branding and corporate ID.

Posted by Mihai : 6/20/2005 06:57:00 pm Branding Romania
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