According to the survey "Bribe In Romania - What Romanians Think Of and Say About Small Corruption" made within the "Don't Give Bribe!" campaign financed by the EU via PHARE
52% of the Romanians think that bribe is a part of the every-day life, while 17% of them think it is something 'ordinary' and not as serious as people think. Only 8% of the respondents said bribe does not lead to anything good.
Eight out of ten respondents said they knew someone who had given bribe.
Respondents pointed to the customs authorities, the legal authorities, The Parliament, The Government, the health system, the police and the fiscal authorities as being the most corrupt of all, as opposed to the mass media, The Armed Forces and the private organizations.
Some 35% of the respondents said bribe was the only way to solve a problem, 19% said they had given bribe because "this is the way it's done," 17% to express gratitude, 10% to avoid further problems, 7% in order not to wait in line and 2% in order to avoid bureaucracy.
You can find the survey on:
Posted by Iulia Rasoiu : 12/02/2004 09:45:00 am
80% Of Romanians Have Given Bribe Or Know Someone Who Has