Business in Romania blog
The business in Romania blog writes about the Romanian business landscape, doing business in Romania, investing in Romania business and debating on business issues in Romania. Check this Blog's Policy here.

Thursday, January 05, 2006
Business in Romania blog
Recently, Blogger introduced a "word verification box" at the end of the posting window for each post you enter on your blogspot blog. This is a typical (and a very annoying, in my opinion) way of fighting against spam.

What I hate about it is that it doesn't attack spammers, but it just puts another wall through they have to go through, while in the same time making our efforts of publishing / sending e-mails / commenting more difficult. And I specially hate it when the letters / numbers in the word verification picture are so hard to understand that you are very prone to making a mistake (some invented the "i cannot understand this, please give me another try with a new picture" box :)) ).

What is nice about it (and thanks to the smart minds and Blogger / Google for this) is that you can remove it, by sending a request in this matter so they can verify that your blog is not a spam one. I just did that, I hope they will answer fast enough. :)

P.S. To disable it, just click on the "? in a yellow circle" icon near "Word verification" on the bottom of your posting window on Blogger.

Posted by Mihai : 1/05/2006 10:34:00 am Spam and Anti Spam
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