Business in Romania blog
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Thursday, January 05, 2006
Business in Romania blog
It has been writen that the mass SMS trend in Romania got even more popular at the end of 2005, when about 81 million SMS-es were sent through the 2 most popular mobile phone operators, Connex-Vodafone and Orange. This brought them earnings of about EUR 5 million.

According to the calculations, each of the Connex-Vodafone subscribers sent about 10 SMS-es.

Now, I am getting sooo fed-up with receiving spam / mass SMS-es on Christmas, New Years Eve and other holidays. The thing which, to me, is most annoying is the lack of personalization in the messages. I know people who sent to half of their contacts list the same standard message. Come on, those people receive so many messages that they can't even keep track of who sent and who didn't.

What's even more interesting is that there are people who really appreciate those messages. As a friend told me these days, "that guy didn't even sent me a Happy New Year message". What, would you have wanted him to send you the same standard message that he will send to 10 other girls?

Again, source of the data is here (only in Romanian for now).

Posted by Mihai : 1/05/2006 10:26:00 am Mass SMS bring EUR 5 milion to operators
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