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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Business in Romania blog
Romania's president, Ion Iliescu, recently made a visit together with Adrian Nastase and Mircea Geoana (PSD's candidates for the presidential / government elections) in Craiova.

Of course, he was asked by the reporters if he was doing election's campaign for Adrian Nastase and Mirce Geoana but he denied this is a very unfriendly way and using a very rood language (Romanian language: "Voi sinteti obsedati de aceasta chestie. Aici am venit in calitate de presedinte al tarii. Unde ai vazut campanie electorala in tot ce facem?! Va rog sa ma lasati in pace cu asemenea chestii!").

Going back to his behaviour, he was in the middle of a typical election's campaign, as all of the PSD staff were getting as close as possible to the crowd and were doing everything they could to become popular.

On the other hand, CURS released their latest elections report where Adrian Nastasse has about 42% and Traian Basescu has about 38%. The error margin is 2,5 percentual points , so if Adrian Nastase is in fact at 39,5% ( 42 - 2,5) and Basescu is at 40,5 (38 + 2,5) we have a winner !!

Cheers !

Posted by Mihai : 10/27/2004 01:59:00 pm Iliescu chasing votes for PSD
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