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Thursday, October 14, 2004
Business in Romania blog
The World Economic Forum published yesterday, in New York, the Global Competitiveness Index rankings.

Romania is up 12 positions from 2003, ranking on 63rd place for 2004. The total score for Romania's competitiveness was 3.86.

The main drives for this upgrade were the score for competitiveness in the microeconomic sector and the competitiveness for the macroeconomic sector. Also, an improvement can be found in the score for internal competition. Still, Romania was poor on the diffeence between active and passive interest rates and also for the internal fiscal policy.

On the first place of the Global Competitiveness Index you can find Finland with a score of 5.95, followed by United States with 5.82.

You can download the Competitiveness Rapport here (PDF) and the Composition of Growth Competitiveness Index here (PDF).

Posted by Mihai : 10/14/2004 11:37:00 am Romania - more competitive in 2004
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