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Monday, October 04, 2004
Business in Romania blog
For the past 3 days, the hottest subject in Romania is Mr. Stolojan's withdrawl from the presidential race.

The announcement came on Saturday afternoon and was very shocking to everybody. The announcement then stated that the withdrawl was mostly motivated by the poor health of Mr. Stolojan, leader of the Liberal Party and one of the leaders of the D.A. Alliance.

On Sunday, Mr. Basescu, one of the leaders of the D.A. Alliance and one of Mr. Stolojan's closest partners, stated that Mr. Stolojan was also under a high pressure from the current ruling party with a lot of media scandals and that this aggravated his health.

With Mr. Stolojan out of the country, Mr. Basescu (currenly mayor of Bucharest) announced that he is going to be the Alliance's new candidate for the presidency.

In the meanwhile, leader of the Liberal Party will be Mr. Tariceanu.

A lot of annalysts commentated this withdrawl in various ways, but I would like only to give you some links to some articles on this subject:

REUTERS - Romania Presidential Challenger Stolojan Quits Race

BBC Romania - Why did Stolojan quit (romanian version)

WIKIPEDIA - About Theodor Stolojan - Stolojan withdraws from Romania election

ZIARUL FINANCIAR - Theodor Stolojan leaves politics, Democrat leader Traian Băsescu to run for president

Looking forward for your comments on this subject.

Posted by Mihai : 10/04/2004 10:53:00 am The hottest subject
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